Interconnecting of DCP Package to Starbooks

Technology serves as a media for innovation and transformation of learners. DCP aims to provide the public schools with the necessary technologies that would enhance the teaching-learning process and meet the challenges of the 21st century.

DCP package usually runs offline; it doesn’t need internet to work basic desktop applications like Microsoft Office including MS Word, Ms Excel, MS Powerpoint and MS Publisher, Adobe products like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Lightroom.

The Starbooks a project initiated by DOST, is a stand-alone program that runs offline. It is an Information Kiosk that contains thousands of digitized science and technology resources in various formats such as text, audio and video placed in specially designed “pods” set in a user-friendly interface with the aims to create interest in the field of Science and Technology which may increase the number of Filipinos enrolling in S&T courses; Encourage great and curious minds to develop new ideas, inventions, and innovations; and Inspire one’s capacity for entrepreneurship and research.

Every school received a unit of Starbooks that will help the student to do their research even without connecting to the internet. The Division ITO together with the Administrative Assistant provides technical support to maximize the capability of the Starbooks and DCP Package by interconnecting.

Providing the same network of DCP Server and Starbooks, they will interconnect with each other using the LAN Cable, and a Switch Hub.

To Access the Starbooks using the Server or the Thin Client, they need to open any browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome) and enter the physical or IP Address of Starbooks.

With this, the Starbooks that can only be accessed through the Kiosks using the DPC Server and Thin-Client.